Demo of appending a Pandas dataframe to an existing .parquet file.
Note: Other answers cannot append to existing .parquet files. This can; see discussion at end.
Tested on Python v3.9 on Windows and Linux.
Install PyArrow using pip:
pip install pyarrow==6.0.1
Or Anaconda / Miniconda:
conda install -c conda-forge pyarrow=6.0.1 -y
Demo code:
# Q. Demo?
# A. Demo of appending to an existing .parquet file by memory mapping the original file, appending the new dataframe, then writing the new file out.
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
filepath = "parquet_append.parquet"
Method 1 of 2
Simple way: Using pandas, read the orignal .parquet file in, append, write entire file back out.
# Create parquet file.
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1.,2.,np.nan], "y": ["a","b","c"]}) # Create dataframe ...
df.to_parquet(filepath) # ... write to file.
# Append to original parquet file.
df = pd.read_parquet(filepath) # Read original ...
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [3.,4.,np.nan], "y": ["d","e","f"]}) # ... create new dataframe to append ...
df3 = pd.concat([df, df2]) # ... concatenate together ...
df3.to_parquet(filepath) # ... overwrite original file.
# Demo that new data frame has been appended to old.
df_copy = pd.read_parquet(filepath)
# x y
# 0 1.0 a
# 1 2.0 b
# 2 NaN c
# 0 3.0 d
# 1 4.0 e
# 2 NaN f
Method 2 of 2
More complex but faster: using native PyArrow calls, memory map the original file, append the new dataframe, write new file out.
# Write initial file using PyArrow.
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1.,2.,np.nan], "y": ["a","b","c"]}) # Create dataframe ...
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
pq.write_table(table, where=filepath)
def parquet_append(filepath:Path or str, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
Append to dataframe to existing .parquet file. Reads original .parquet file in, appends new dataframe, writes new .parquet file out.
:param filepath: Filepath for parquet file.
:param df: Pandas dataframe to append. Must be same schema as original.
table_original_file = pq.read_table(source=filepath, pre_buffer=False, use_threads=True, memory_map=True) # Use memory map for speed.
table_to_append = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
table_to_append = table_to_append.cast(table_original_file.schema) # Attempt to cast new schema to existing, e.g. datetime64[ns] to datetime64[us] (may throw otherwise).
handle = pq.ParquetWriter(filepath, table_original_file.schema) # Overwrite old file with empty. WARNING: PRODUCTION LEVEL CODE SHOULD BE MORE ATOMIC: WRITE TO A TEMPORARY FILE, DELETE THE OLD, RENAME. THEN FAILURES WILL NOT LOSE DATA.
handle.close() # Writes binary footer. Until this occurs, .parquet file is not usable.
# Append to original parquet file.
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [3.,4.,np.nan], "y": ["d","e","f"]}) # ... create new dataframe to append ...
parquet_append(filepath, df)
# Demo that new data frame has been appended to old.
df_copy = pd.read_parquet(filepath)
# x y
# 0 1.0 a
# 1 2.0 b
# 2 NaN c
# 0 3.0 d
# 1 4.0 e
# 2 NaN f
The answers from @Ibraheem Ibraheem and @yardstick17 cannot be used to append to existing .parquet files:
- Limitation 1: After
is called, the files cannot be appended to. Once the footer is written, everything is set in stone;
- Limitation 2: The .parquet file cannot be read by any other program until
is called (it will throw an exception as the binary footer is missing).
Combined, these limitations mean that they cannot be used to append to an existing .parquet file, they can only be used to write a .parquet file in chunks. The technique above removes these limitations, at the expense of being less efficient as the entire file has to be rewritten to append to the end. After extensive research, I believe that it is not possible to append to an existing .parquet file with the existing PyArrow libraries (as of v6.0.1).
It would be possible to modify this to merge multiple .parquet files in a folder into a single .parquet file.
It would be possible to perform an efficient upsert: pq.read_table() has filters on column and row, so if the rows in the original table were filtered out on load, the rows in the new table would effectively replace the old. This would be more useful for timeseries data.