I needed this exact same thing for video layouts, but I couldn't use the other answers because I need to be bounded by width and height. Basically my use case was a container of a certain size, unknown item count, and a fixed aspect ratio of the items. Unfortunately this cannot be done in pure CSS, it needs some JS. I could not find a good bin packing algorithm so I wrote one myself (granted it might mimic existing ones).
Basically what I did is took a max set of rows and found the fit with the best ratio. Then, I found the best item bounds retaining the aspect ratio, and then set that as auto-fit height and width for the CSS grid. The result is quite nice.
Here's a full example showing how to use it with something like CSS custom properties. The first JS function is the main one that does the work of figuring out the best size. Add and remove items, resize browser to watch it reset to best use space (or you can see this CodePen version).
// Get the best item bounds to fit in the container. Param object must have
// width, height, itemCount, aspectRatio, maxRows, and minGap. The itemCount
// must be greater than 0. Result is single object with rowCount, colCount,
// itemWidth, and itemHeight.
function getBestItemBounds(config) {
const actualRatio = config.width / config.height
// Just make up theoretical sizes, we just care about ratio
const theoreticalHeight = 100
const theoreticalWidth = theoreticalHeight * config.aspectRatio
// Go over each row count find the row and col count with the closest
// ratio.
let best
for (let rowCount = 1; rowCount <= config.maxRows; rowCount++) {
// Row count can't be higher than item count
if (rowCount > config.itemCount) continue
const colCount = Math.ceil(config.itemCount / rowCount)
// Get the width/height ratio
const ratio = (theoreticalWidth * colCount) / (theoreticalHeight * rowCount)
if (!best || Math.abs(ratio - actualRatio) < Math.abs(best.ratio - actualRatio)) {
best = { rowCount, colCount, ratio }
// Build item height and width. If the best ratio is less than the actual ratio,
// it's the height that determines the width, otherwise vice versa.
const result = { rowCount: best.rowCount, colCount: best.colCount }
if (best.ratio < actualRatio) {
result.itemHeight = (config.height - (config.minGap * best.rowCount)) / best.rowCount
result.itemWidth = result.itemHeight * config.aspectRatio
} else {
result.itemWidth = (config.width - (config.minGap * best.colCount)) / best.colCount
result.itemHeight = result.itemWidth / config.aspectRatio
return result
// Change the item size via CSS property
function resetContainerItems() {
const itemCount = document.querySelectorAll('.item').length
if (!itemCount) return
const container = document.getElementById('container')
const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect()
// Get best item bounds and apply property
const { itemWidth, itemHeight } = getBestItemBounds({
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
maxRows: 5,
minGap: 5
console.log('Item changes', itemWidth, itemHeight)
container.style.setProperty('--item-width', itemWidth + 'px')
container.style.setProperty('--item-height', itemHeight + 'px')
// Element resize support
const resObs = new ResizeObserver(() => resetContainerItems())
// Add item support
let counter = 0
document.getElementById('add').onclick = () => {
const elem = document.createElement('div')
elem.className = 'item'
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.innerText = 'Delete Item #' + (++counter)
button.onclick = () => {
#container {
display: inline-grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, var(--item-width));
grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, var(--item-height));
place-content: space-evenly;
width: 90vw;
height: 90vh;
background-color: green;
.item {
background-color: blue;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
Demonstrates how to use CSS grid and add a dynamic number of
items to a container and have the space best used while
preserving a desired aspect ratio.
Add/remove items and resize browser to see what happens.
<button id="add">Add Item</button><br />
<div id="container"></div>