As someone mentioned, you could try an interpolation search. But usually interpolation searches are pretty simple/dumb, with a simple linear approach (which works good if you have an even distribution of values in array A, but very poorly if the distribution is heavily skewed in some way).
The idea is to think of array A as a mathematical function (because it's sorted, a one-to-one function), and then approximate it. Say you have an array A with 100 values, where A[x]=2*x. Now you want to insert 9 into your array, and replace whatever value is closest to it.
With a binary search, you are going to hit A[50]=100, then A[25]=50, then A[12]=24, than A[6]=12, then A[3]=6, then A[4]=8, then finally A[5]=10. Set A[5]=9, and we are done.
With a linear interpolation search, taking the first and last values A[0]=0 and A[99]=198, you can calculate a linear function between the two f(x)=2*x. The inverse would be g(x)=x/2. So plug in 9, g[9]=4.5, A[5]=10 which is more than 9, check the previous value A[4]=8, and you are done. That's only 2 lookups and compares, vs 7 for binary search. With a really large array, you can see that this could significantly cut down on your lookups and compares.
Now, in the real world, you generally aren't going to have an array with a simple linear range of values like that. They are going to be skewed to one side or the other, and you are going to have to do the interpolation search multiple times recursively, or switch to a linear or binary search after the first or second interpolation, or something like that.
If you know your values in Array A are heavily skewed (for instance, you have an array A of 100 values, where the first 90 values are 1 and the last 10 values are the range 1 to 10), then you know interpolation is probably the wrong way to go. Binary search is going to get you there in about the same time, or faster.
You could get fancier and try to build some other array B which approximates the inverse function, and then seek into that, or even do some statistical analysis to create some mathematical function that approximates the inverse, but that's beyond the scope of this answer.