The following method takes input from a UITextField and formats it for display. This code has worked flawlessly for years, but a problem was just reported on the iPhone 6 Plus using iOS 8.1. It happens every time for the user but I have not been able to reproduce it. I believe it has to do with NSNumber/NSDecimalNumber conversions and formatting on iOS 8, perhaps for a 64-bit app/device.
The keyboard used for input is a number pad, so the only text that can be entered into the textfield are the numbers 0-9 and "delete".
According to the user, this is what is happening:
I am trying to enter a budget amount of $250. When I pull it up initially is shows 0.00. Then as soon as I enter 2, it then show 220.02 then when I enter the 5 it says 2,200.25 then when I enter the 0 it comes up with 22,002.50 if I try to erase any numbers it come up with a really large number.
The code below works perfectly with iOS 8.1, as far as I have tested, on every device in the simulator, including the iPhone 6 Plus. It also works in the iPhone 5S device (64-bit) with iOS 8.1. I do not have an iPhone 6 Plus device.
Am I missing something that someone sees might be causing this error?
EDIT: Could this possibly be because decimalNumberWithMantissa parameter should be unsigned long long and I am using NSInteger? Would this cause the problem, and if so, why has it worked until iOS 8.1 on iPhone 6 Plus? I would check this myself if I could...
The entryField UITextField is initialized as follows:
entryField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyFullFormatter] stringFromNumber:[NSDecimalNumber zero]]];
and here is the rest of the relevant code:
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textFieldHere shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {
NSMutableString *mstring = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:[entryField text]];
if([string length] > 0){
//add case
[mstring insertString:string atIndex:range.location];
else {
//delete case - the length of replacement string is zero for a delete
[mstring deleteCharactersInRange:range];
NSString *clean_string = [[mstring componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:
[[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet]]
//clean up mstring since it's no longer needed
if ((clean_string.length >= MAX__NUMBER_LENGTH && range.length == 0) || ([clean_string length] == 0 && [string isEqualToString:@"0"]))
return NO; // return NO to not change text
else {
//get the cleaned price in the form of a NSNumber - it has not yet been scaled
NSNumber *priceNumberBeforeScale = [[DateHelper decimalFormatter] numberFromString:clean_string];
self.budgetIntNumber = priceNumberBeforeScale;
//get the cleaned price in the form of an integer - it has not yet been scaled
NSInteger priceIntBeforeScale = [priceNumberBeforeScale integerValue];
//scale the price for currency
NSDecimalNumber *priceScaled = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithMantissa:priceIntBeforeScale exponent:(0-[[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyScale] integerValue]) isNegative:NO];
//now format the price for currency
//and get the grouping separators added in and put it in the UITextField
entryField.text = [[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyFullFormatter] stringFromNumber:priceScaled];
//always return no since we are manually changing the text field
return NO;
From DateHelper.m:
+ (NSNumberFormatter *)decimalFormatter {
NSNumberFormatter *decimalFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[decimalFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
[decimalFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
return decimalFormatter;
From ObjectsHelper.m:
- (NSNumberFormatter*)currencyFullFormatter {
if (currencyFullFormatter != nil) {
return currencyFullFormatter;
currencyFullFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[currencyFullFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
[currencyFullFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
return currencyFullFormatter;
- (NSNumber*)currencyScale {
if (currencyScale != nil) {
return currencyScale;
self.currencyScale = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyFullFormatter] maximumFractionDigits]];
return currencyScale;
EDIT: Seems like this answer might be on the right track, just not exactly sure how that would translate here. Would changing
//get the cleaned price in the form of an integer - it has not yet been scaled
NSInteger priceIntBeforeScale = [priceNumberBeforeScale integerValue];
//scale the price for currency
NSDecimalNumber *priceScaled = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithMantissa:priceIntBeforeScale exponent:(0-[[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyScale] integerValue]) isNegative:NO];
//scale the price for currency
NSDecimalNumber *priceScaled = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithMantissa:[priceNumberBeforeScale unsignedLongLongValue] exponent:(0-[[[ObjectsHelper sharedManager] currencyScale] integerValue]) isNegative:NO];
be likely to solve the problem?
[mstring replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:string]
. Note that a user might select a part of the textfield and replace that via copy/paste. – Mensa