OK team, this is weird. [NSDecimalNumber integerValue] is behaving strangely.
I'm sat at a breakpoint, trying to figure out why some parts of my app are broken in iOS8, and I'm looking at a variable called "timeSeconds". It appears like this in the Xcode Variables View:
_timeSeconds (NSDecimalNumber *) 344.514533996581994496
But when I query it in the debugger, I see this:
(lldb) p [self.timeSeconds doubleValue]
(double) $14 = 344.51453399658192
(lldb) p [self.timeSeconds intValue]
(int) $15 = 344
(lldb) p [self.timeSeconds integerValue]
(NSInteger) $16 = -5
(lldb) p (NSInteger)[self.timeSeconds intValue]
(NSInteger) $17 = 344
See that "-5"? Can any of you beautiful people reproduce or explain that, before I file a radar?
Here's the SSCCE:
NSDecimalNumber *n = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"344.514533996581994496"];
NSLog(@"%@", n); // 344.514533996581994496
NSLog(@"%ld", (long)[n intValue]); // 344
NSLog(@"%ld", (long)[n integerValue]); // -5
NSLog(@"%ld", (long)[n unsignedIntegerValue]); // 12
Thanks in advance!