Errors in
Even if the compliance level of the project has been set to Java9, there might be shown misleading errors for in Eclipse.
I expected that an update of the maven project would only be required if I change the pom.xml file. Now I learned that changing the also requires a manual update of the maven project.
=> update the maven project (Alt+F5)
After that update my errors vanished.
I also learned that it is better to first update the versions in the pom.xml file and then generate the Otherwise the will include non-existing modules like "requires log4j" instead of "requires log4j.api"
Another misleading error in might occur due to pom packaging, see below.
Unresolved imports
For the case that an import can not be resolved the question might be "Which corresponding (new) module do I need for that (old) import?". What might help here:
Search at following page for the required page:
(lists all exported packages of the JDK-modules)
Use JDeps on the (old) *.jar file to get a list of required jar files, e.g.
jdeps --class-path "lib" -recursive MY-OLD.jar >output.txt
Use jar to find the module for a jar file
jar --describe-module --file REQUIRED-JAR-FILE.jar
Also see:
Re-Export dependencies
In order to automatically make log4j visible for a grandparent project
grandparent => parent => log4j
you might want to use
requires transitive log4j.api
in parent instead of
requires log4j.api
in grandparent. Also see:
What's the difference between requires and requires transitive statements in Java 9 module declaration
POM packaging
My main issue seems to be that my Java8 pom.xml file used pom packaging:
If I remove that line, no errors are shown in
Also see this extra question: How to use maven with Java9.0.1 and pom packaging in Eclipse Oxygen 1a Release (4.7.1a)?
New log4j version
A. In addition to the change "requires log4j" => "requires log4j.api" I had to adapt the calling code for the new log4j version that is compatible to Java9:
private static Logger sysLog = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);
private static Logger sysLog = LogManager.getLogger(Main.class);
B. log4j 2 does not have PropertyConfigurator. Also see this related question:
PropertyConfigurator in log4j2
C. log4j 2 does not support files. Previously I used
for configuration. Now I use
Also see
Working example as a reference
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
module Log4JWithJava9 {
requires javafx.base;
requires log4j.api;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class Main {
private static Logger sysLog = LogManager.getLogger(Main.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Eclipse plugins
In order to add log4j to an eclipse plugin, I copied the file log4j-api-2.10.0.jar in a folder "lib" and added the jar file to Java Build Path=>Libraries=>ModulePath
Instead of requires log4j.api
I had to use requires org.apache.logging.log4j
is recognized, I would insist you to share the complete project structure followed and<build>
config of your pom.xml. Also the automatic module name derived for the above dependencies arelog4j.api
respectively. – Reestjar
command (from Java 9) to find out the name of a module:jar --describe-module --file $JAR-FILE
tells you by which name you have to require it. Furthermore, you can use JDeps to identify which JARs you directly depend on. – Goofball