I’m on Unity Editor 2022.3.1f1 on Pop OS.
I’ve been trying to fiddle about with Decal Projectors on the Universal Render Pipeline, and ran into an obstacle early on: Unity doesn’t seem to know that I’ve added Decals to the URP.
Following the instructions here, I’ve added a decal feature to the Universal Renderer settings. (As a new user I can’t post more than 1 screenshot at a time, but I’ll put it in another post mb?)
But then when I add a URP decal projector to a gameobject in the scene, I get the message “The current renderer has no Decal Renderer feature added”
Clicking the “open” button seems to take me to the Universal Renderer setting instance that has decals added.
I feel I’m probably doing something really stupid or missing something, but what is it? How do I get past this in order to use Decals? My googling isn’t finding that many people with a similar problem, and chatgpt was useless as per usual. Any ideas?
im having the same problem
– Provincial