Hi i want to create a list based on the search string using predicate expressions.
I have a list of type products contains different names.
List<products> list1 = new List<products>();
list1.Add(new products("sowmya"));
list1.Add(new products("Jane"));
list1.Add(new products("John"));
list1.Add(new products("kumar"));
list1.Add(new products("ramya"));
listBox1.ItemsSource = list1;
Now i want to filter the content based on user input.User will enter n no of strings with '+' as separator. After receiving the strings i will pass them to predicate object like this
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
List<products> list2 = new List<products>();
Expression<Func<products, bool>> predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<products>();
if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
string Searchstring = textBox1.Text.ToString().Trim();
string[] separator = new string[] { "+" };
string[] SearchItems=Searchstring.Split(separator,StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (string str in SearchItems)
string temp = str;
predicate =p => p.Name.Contains(temp.ToLower());
list2 = list1.AsQueryable().Where(predicate).ToList();
listBox1.ItemsSource = list2;
If i enter more than one string(sowmya+jane+john) its giving only the last string(john) result but i want a list of all matching strings
Please answer this question because i'm trying this but i couldn't get the result.
Please do some help thanks.