I am trying to save each image in an array as a .PNG file (also as the right size, without scaling up because of retina mac dpi issues) and can't seem to find a solution. NONE of the solutions at How to save PNG file from NSImage (retina issues) seem to be working for me. I've tried each one and each of them would still save a 72x72 file as 144x144 in retina .etc.
More specifically I am looking for an NSImage category (yes, I am working in the Mac environment)
I am trying to have the user Choose a directory to save them in and execute the saving of the images from array like this:
- (IBAction)saveImages:(id)sender {
// Prepare Images that are checked and put them in an array
[self prepareImages];
if ([preparedImages count] == 0) {
NSLog(@"We have no preparedImages to save!");
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSInformationalAlertStyle];
[alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"Save Images Error Text")];
[alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"You have not selected any images to create.", @"Save Images Error Informative Text")];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window
} else {
NSLog(@"We have prepared %lu images.", (unsigned long)[preparedImages count]);
// Save Dialog
// Create a File Open Dialog class.
//NSOpenPanel* openDlg = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
// Set array of file types
NSArray *fileTypesArray;
fileTypesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"jpg", @"gif", @"png", nil];
// Enable options in the dialog.
//[openDlg setCanChooseFiles:YES];
//[openDlg setAllowedFileTypes:fileTypesArray];
//[openDlg setAllowsMultipleSelection:TRUE];
[panel setNameFieldStringValue:@"Images.png"];
[panel setDirectoryURL:directoryPath];
// Display the dialog box. If the OK pressed,
// process the files.
[panel beginWithCompletionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
NSLog(@"OK Button!");
// create a file manager and grab the save panel's returned URL
NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
directoryPath = [panel URL];
[[self directoryLabel] setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", directoryPath]];
// then copy a previous file to the new location
// copy item at URL was self.myURL
// copy images that are created from array to this path
for (NSImage *image in preparedImages) {
#warning Fix Copy Item At URL to copy image from preparedImages array to save each one
NSString *imageName = image.name;
NSString *imagePath = [[directoryPath absoluteString] stringByAppendingPathComponent:imageName];
//[manager copyItemAtURL:nil toURL:directoryPath error:nil];
NSLog(@"Trying to write IMAGE: %@ to URL: %@", imageName, imagePath);
//[image writePNGToURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imagePath] outputSizeInPixels:image.size error:nil];
[self saveImage:image atPath:imagePath];
//[manager copyItemAtURL:nil toURL:directoryPath error:nil];
[preparedImages removeAllObjects];
one user attempted to answer his by using this NSImage category but it does not produce any file or PNG for me.
@interface NSImage (SSWPNGAdditions)
- (BOOL)writePNGToURL:(NSURL*)URL outputSizeInPixels:(NSSize)outputSizePx error:(NSError*__autoreleasing*)error;
@implementation NSImage (SSWPNGAdditions)
- (BOOL)writePNGToURL:(NSURL*)URL outputSizeInPixels:(NSSize)outputSizePx error:(NSError*__autoreleasing*)error
BOOL result = YES;
NSImage* scalingImage = [NSImage imageWithSize:[self size] flipped:[self isFlipped] drawingHandler:^BOOL(NSRect dstRect) {
[self drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0) fromRect:dstRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
return YES;
NSRect proposedRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, outputSizePx.width, outputSizePx.height);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
CGContextRef cgContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, proposedRect.size.width, proposedRect.size.height, 8, 4*proposedRect.size.width, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
NSGraphicsContext* context = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:cgContext flipped:NO];
CGImageRef cgImage = [scalingImage CGImageForProposedRect:&proposedRect context:context hints:nil];
CGImageDestinationRef destination = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)(URL), kUTTypePNG, 1, NULL);
CGImageDestinationAddImage(destination, cgImage, nil);
NSDictionary* details = @{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"Error writing PNG image"};
[details setValue:@"ran out of money" forKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SSWPNGAdditionsErrorDomain" code:10 userInfo:details];
result = NO;
return result;