Right now I have an obj file in Unity. I have a script that adds a Collider component, a Rigidbody component, and finally an OVRGrabbable component to the object. I need to add these components at runtime because eventually I will be producing procedural meshes in a script at runtime, and I need these procedural meshes to be grabbable.
My problem is that the OVRGrabbable script does not recognize the added collider as a grab point when the collider is added at runtime. I thought that it would be enough to add the collider before the OVRGrabbable in my script, but no dice. I tried attaching the collider in an Awake function and then the OVRGrabbable in the Start function, but that didn't work either. Additionally, I cannot add it in script because the grabPoints array is read-only. Here is my code:
public class AddVRComponents : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
public bool freeMoving = false;
public bool useGravity = false;
collide = gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
Rigidbody rB = gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (!freeMoving)
rB.drag = Mathf.Infinity;
rB.angularDrag = Mathf.Infinity;
if (!useGravity)
rB.useGravity = false;
OVRGrabbable grab = gameObject.AddComponent<OVRGrabbable>();
Collider[] newGrabPoints = new Collider[1];
newGrabPoints[0] = collide;
grab.enabled = true;
grab.grabPoints = newGrabPoints;
This obviously does not work because the final line produces the error that grab.grabPoints is read-only.
I know that it can be done because if I run my program and then in the editor manually drag my collider into the grab points field of the OVRGrabbable component, the object can be grabbed.
How can I get the OVRGrabbable script to recognize my collider?