Update May/June 2023:
New host keys added
- On May 15, 2023 2300 UTC we added two new host keys using the ECDSA and Ed25519 algorithm
- On June 20, 2023 1700 UTC we will replace our current RSA host key
- On June 20, 2023 1700 UTC we will also remove our DSA host key; this key will stop working entirely.
So... TLDR; (even on Windows):
ssh-keygen -R bitbucket.org && curl https://bitbucket.org/site/ssh >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Note: Before June, the content of https://bitbucket.org/site/ssh is still the old keys.
That will add the new official keys from Bitbucket to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts
bitbucket.org ssh-rsa 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
bitbucket.org ssh-dss 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
bitbucket.org ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPIQmuzMBuKdWeF4+a2sjSSpBK0iqitSQ+5BM9KhpexuGt20JpTVM7u5BDZngncgrqDMbWdxMWWOGtZ9UgbqgZE=
bitbucket.org ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIazEu89wgQZ4bqs3d63QSMzYVa0MuJ2e2gKTKqu+UUO
We recently learned that encrypted copies of Bitbucket’s SSH host keys were included in a data breach of a third-party credential management vendor.
The SSH protocol uses host keys to establish the identity of a trusted server for every SSH connection, like when a git pull establishes a SSH connection to Bitbucket Cloud.
Though we believe the risk of compromise is low, by rotating the host keys proactively we are mitigating future risk should the old host keys be decrypted.
If we did not change the host keys it might have been possible in the future for a threat actor to potentially use the old host keys in combination with an already compromised network to trick clients into connecting to and trusting a malicious host.
Čamo notes int he comments that if you still have the error:
Warning: the ECDSA host key for 'bitbucket.org' differs from the key for the IP address '
Then you can, as in this thread do:
We had to add a newline to the end of the curl command that was provided in the guide.
The warning message you are receiving is likely related to old entries on your known_hosts
file that are pointing to the Bitbucket IP, instead of the domain name bitbucket.org
To resolve this issue, you can remove the older entries and store the new ones using the following command :
ssh-keygen -R bitbucket.org && sed -i.old -e '/AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAubiN81eDcafrgMeLzaFPsw2kNvEcqTKl/d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts && curl https://bitbucket.org/site/ssh >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts