There are a few related threads about this topic here ad here but they seem a bit dated.
I just downloaded LibreOffice 4 which has a Python 3.3.0 built in. Using that Python I can import and use UNO just fine, and control Office from my Python script. However, many of my other modules are missing from that Python—and UNO is the only one missing from my Python.
Is there any way that I can install pyuno for my local Python? The LibreOffice source tree includes a pyuno/ source tree, but I'm not sure how to go about building/integrating this into another Python tree.
Any experiences here? Help? Hints? Dos, Don'ts, Dohs?
EDIT The answer below works just fine for Linux, and I have no problem there extending the PYTHONPATH
to import uno. Matters are different on the Mac, so take a look at the other answer.
EDIT Absolutely take this anwer into consideration when tinkering with Python paths!