For simply conversions, you needn't reinvent the wheel. Look at unoconv:
'Import uno' will automatically work IF the python interpreter was bundled with OpenOffice, or in some Linux systems where the packagers have done a lot of work for you already.
Alternative 1: For other Python installs on Win32 systems, you need to import three environment variables and add one item to your Pythonpath. The detailed tutorial is at
The three environment variables you must get FROM your OO-installed-Python and add TO your other install of Python are:
(Using Python 2.6 and OO 3.1.2)
- os.environ['URE_BOOTSTRAP'] = '\Program Files\ 3\program\fundamental.ini'
- os.environ['UNO_PATH'] = 'c:\Program Files\ 3\program\'
- os.environ['PATH'].append('c:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin;c:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program;')
The pythonpath item you must add TO your other install of Python is the location of the uno module:
- sys.path.append('C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program')
Now you can simply 'import uno'.
Pyuno is only compatible with a similar version of Python. Since OO 3.1 bundles Python 2.6.1, that pyuno is only compatible with another Python 2.6. Attempting to import uno into a different version of Python will cause a runtime error. But there's a way around that in Alternative 2.
Alternative 2: For other Python installs on WIN32 systems, you can ignore the Python-UNO bridge completely and use the Python-COM bridge instead. You must install one new module, and the API has a few differences, but you can use ANY version of Python, including Python3.