I am trying to read an image in my C++ code
LOGD("Loading image '%s' ...\n", (*inFile).c_str());;
Mat img = imread(*inFile, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
CV_Assert(img.data != 0);
and get the following output:
09-25 17:08:24.798: D/IRISREC(12120): Loading image '/data/data/com.example.irisrec/files/input/osoba1.jpg' ...
09-25 17:08:24.798: E/cv::error()(12120): OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (img.data != 0) in int wahet_main(int, char**), file jni/wahet.cpp, line 4208
The file exists. But strange is, that if I try to preview the image using Root File Browser it is just black. I copied the files there manually.
The code works fine under Windows with .png and .jpg format. I am just trying to port an existing C++ project for Iris Recognition to Android.