I'm working with the TFS API and have run into a problem with ITestSuiteBase and IRequirementTestSuite. I've mananged to easily create a new test case within a IStaticTestSuite:
IStaticTestSuite workingSuite = this.WorkingSuite as IStaticTestSuite;
testCase = CreateTestCase(this.TestProject, tci.Title, tci.Description);
However, this solution doesn't work for requirements test suites or ITestSuiteBase. The method that I would assume would work is:
ITestcase testCase = null;
testCase = CreateTestCase(this.TestProject, tci.Title, tci.Description);
But this method doesn't actually add the test case to the suite. It does, however, add the test case to the plan. I can query the created test case but it doesn't show up in the suite as expected - even immediately in the code afterwards. Refreshing the working suite has no benefit.
Additional code included below:
public static ITestCase CreateTestCase(ITestManagementTeamProject project, string title, string desc = "", TeamFoundationIdentity owner = null)
// Create a test case.
ITestCase testCase = project.TestCases.Create();
testCase.Owner = owner;
testCase.Title = title;
testCase.Description = desc;
return testCase;
Has anyone been able to successfully add a test case to a requirements test suite or a ITestSuiteBase?