So I've been working at this on and off for a week, googling and all and I haven't found how to do this.
I have a table of "rays" and a table of "lines", and I want the lines to act as mirrors and reflect a ray whenever the ray hits a line. Imagine a laser bouncing off mirrors, that sort of reflection. I've got the intersection detection working, but I can't figure out how to properly calculate the angle of reflection and extend the ray that direction.
--the table rays is a table of tables, and each table inside is formatted as such:
--rays[x] = {100,200,150,600,200,400}, where (100,200) are ordered pairs, etc.
--The table lines simply contains values for x1,y1,x2,y2
for i,ray in ipairs(rays) do
for j,line in ipairs(lines) do
if line.x2 ~= nil and #ray>3 then
print(line.x2..' '..line.y2)
iX, iY = intersect.test(ray[#ray-3],ray[#ray-2],
--The above code takes each ray and
--sees if it intersects with a line, with the intersect.test function
--Then if it does, where iX and iY aren't nil, it continues
if iX ~= nil and iY ~= nil then
local rayA = (180/math.pi)*math.atan(getSlope(ray[#ray-3],ray[#ray-2],ray[#ray-1],ray[#ray]))
local lineA = (180/math.pi)*math.atan(getSlope(line.x1,line.y1,line.x2,line.y2))
local normalA = (180/math.pi)*math.atan(-1/getSlope(line.x1,line.y1,line.x2,line.y2))
--Here I'm calculating the angle in degrees. For the final code all those atans will
--be out of there for optimization, but its easiest now to see the actual angle
print(rayA..' '..lineA..' '..normalA)
--This little part just create a point on the ray right at the intersection
--The code after this is my attempt, which doesn't work
local reflectA = normalA-rayA
local reflectR = 2*reflectA+rayA
reflectR = reflectR/(180/math.pi)
local rSlope = math.tan(reflectR)
local offset = 0
I'm stuck on that last section. It sort of creates a segment bouncing off the line, but sometimes it crosses over the line, and it never is the correct reflection angle. Any pointers on how I should do this would be greatly appreciated.