I want to translate from Chinese to English using HuggingFace's transformers using a pretrained "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024"
model. This tutorial shows how to do it from English to German.
I tried following the tutorial but it doesn't detail how to manually change the language or to decode the result. I am lost on where to start. Sorry that this question could not be more specific.
Here is what I tried:
from transformers import AutoModelWithLMHead, AutoTokenizer
base_model = "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024"
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained(base_model)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(base_model)
inputs = tokenizer.encode("translate English to Chinese: Hugging Face is a technology company based in New York and Paris", return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_length=40, num_beams=4, early_stopping=True)
'<s>translate english to chinese : hugging face is a technology company based in new york and paris </s>china hug ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™'