For anyone finding this question who does want to use PHP, here's a function I use that takes a credit card number (all digits, with dashes, or with spaces) and replaces all but the first and last 4 digits with 'X'.
To accept credit card numbers with dashes as well, use this regex pattern instead:
$cc_regex_pattern = '/(\d{4})(-)?(\d{4})(-)?(\d{4})(-)?(\d{4})/'
and remove the preprocessing of the cc number that removes the dashes:
$compressed_cc_number = preg_replace('/(\ |-)/', '', $credit_card_number);
and so the replacement string becomes (because we've changed the index of patterns - note the $7):
$cc_regex_replacement = '$1' . $cc_middle_pattern . '$7';
or if you want, simply replace the whole cc number, like in the original question:
$cc_regex_replacement = 'XXXX$2XXXX$4XXXX$6XXXX';
Here's the original function for credit card numbers with or without spaces or dashes, which obfuscates and removes any dashes:
* @param integer|string $credit_card_number
* @return mixed
static function obfuscate_credit_card($credit_card_number)
$compressed_cc_number = preg_replace('/(\ |-)/', '', $credit_card_number);
$cc_length = strlen($compressed_cc_number);
$cc_middle_length = $cc_length >= 9 ? $cc_length - 8 : 0;
//create middle pattern
$cc_middle_pattern = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $cc_middle_length; $i++) {
$cc_middle_pattern .= 'X';
//replace cc middle digits with middle pattern
$cc_regex_pattern = '/(\d{4})(\d+)(\d{4})/';
$cc_regex_replacement = '$1' . $cc_middle_pattern . '$3';
$obfuscated_cc = preg_replace($cc_regex_pattern, $cc_regex_replacement, $compressed_cc_number);
return $obfuscated_cc;