If you are using SQL Server 2016 or above, you can use sp_execute_external_script
along with R. It has functions for Regular Expression searches, such as grep
and grepl
Here's an example for email addresses. I'll query some "people" via the SQL Server database engine, pass the data for those people to R, let R decide which people have invalid email addresses, and have R pass back that subset of people to SQL Server. The "people" are from the [Application].[People]
table in the [WideWorldImporters]
sample database. They get passed to the R engine as a dataframe named InputDataSet
. R uses the grepl function with the "not" operator (exclamation point!) to find which people have email addresses that don't match the RegEx string search pattern.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
@language = N'R',
@script = N' RegexWithR <- InputDataSet;
OutputDataSet <- RegexWithR[!grepl("([_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,4}))", RegexWithR$EmailAddress), ];',
@input_data_1 = N'SELECT PersonID, FullName, EmailAddress FROM Application.People'
WITH RESULT SETS (([PersonID] INT, [FullName] NVARCHAR(50), [EmailAddress] NVARCHAR(256)))
Note that the appropriate features must be installed on the SQL Server host. For SQL Server 2016, it is called "SQL Server R Services". For SQL Server 2017, it was renamed to "SQL Server Machine Learning Services".
Closing Thoughts
Microsoft's implementation of SQL (T-SQL) doesn't have native support for RegEx. This proposed solution may not be any more desirable to the OP than the use of a CLR stored procedure. But it does offer an additional way to approach the problem.
and not marked as eitherEXTERNAL_ACCESS
(as I do understand why those 2 latter Permission Sets would be problematic for a shared hosting environment). Microsoft Azure SQL Database V12 (i.e. the new version as of late 2014), which is a shared environment, allows for Assemblies marked asSAFE
(and loaded viaFROM 0x...
instead of from a DLL since you can't upload a DLL). ButSAFE
is all that is needed for Regular Expressions and LOTS of other very useful functions. – Dudleyduds