I am using Nuxt (with SSR/ PWA/ Vuejs/ Node.js/ Vuex/ Firestore) and would like to have a general idea or have an example for the following:
- How can I secure an API key. For example to call MailChimp API
- I am not familiar with how a hacker would see this if a poor solution is implemented. How can I verify it is not accessible to them?
I have found a number of "solutions" that recommend using environment Variables, but for every solution someone indicates it wont be secure. See:
Perhaps server middleware is the answer? https://blog.lichter.io/posts/sending-emails-through-nuxtjs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-3RwvWZoaU (@11:30). I just need to add an email to a mail chimp account once entered, seems like a lot of overhead.
Also I see I store my Firestore api key as an environment variable already. Is this secure? When I open chrome dev tools-> sources-> page-> app.js i can see the api key right there (only tested in dev mode)!