General Problem
I've been developing a simple bootloader and have stumbled on a problem on some environments where instructions like these don't work:
mov si, call_tbl ; SI=Call table pointer
call [call_tbl] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via memory operand
call [ds:call_tbl] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via memory operand w/segment override
call near [si] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via register
Each one of these happen to involve indirect near CALL to absolute memory offsets. I have discovered that I have issues if I use similar JMP tables. Calls and Jumps that are relative don't seem to be affected. Code like this works:
call print_char
I have taken the advice presented on Stackoverflow by posters discussing the dos and don'ts of writing a bootloader. In particular I saw this Stackoverflow answer with General Bootloader Tips. The first tip was:
- When the BIOS jumps to your code you can't rely on CS,DS,ES,SS,SP registers having valid or expected values. They should be set up appropriately when your bootloader starts. You can only be guaranteed that your bootloader will be loaded and run from physical address 0x07c00 and that the boot drive number is loaded into the DL register.
Taking all the advice, I didn't rely on CS, I set up a stack, and set DS to be appropriate for the ORG (Origin offset) I used. I have created a Minimal Complete Verifiable example that demonstrates the problem. I built this using NASM, but it doesn't seem to be a problem specific to NASM.
Minimal Example
The code to test is as follows:
[ORG 0x7c00]
[Bits 16]
section .text
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax ; DS=0x0000 since OFFSET=0x7c00
cli ; Turn off interrupts for potentially buggy 8088
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0x7c00 ; SS:SP = Stack just below 0x7c00
sti ; Turn interrupts back on
mov si, call_tbl ; SI=Call table pointer
mov al, [char_arr] ; First char to print 'B' (beginning)
call print_char ; Call print_char directly (relative jump)
mov al, [char_arr+1] ; Character to print 'M' (middle)
call [call_tbl] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via memory operand
call [ds:call_tbl] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via memory operand w/segment override
call near [si] ; Call print_char using near indirect absolute call
; via register
mov al, [char_arr+2] ; Third char to print 'E' (end)
call print_char ; Call print_char directly (relative jump)
hlt ; Halt processor
jmp .endloop
mov ah, 0x0e ; Write CHAR/Attrib as TTY
mov bx, 0x00 ; Page 0
int 0x10
; Near call address table with one entry
call_tbl: dw print_char
; Simple array of characters
char_arr: db 'BME'
; Bootsector padding
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
I build both an ISO image and a 1.44MB floppy image for test purposes. I'm using a Debian Jessie environment but most Linux distros would be similar:
nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin
dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.img bs=1024 count=1440
dd if=boot.bin of=floppy.img conv=notrunc
mkdir iso
cp floppy.img iso/
genisoimage -quiet -V 'MYBOOT' -input-charset iso8859-1 -o myos.iso -b floppy.img -hide floppy.img iso
I end up with a floppy disk image called floppy.img
and an ISO image called myos.iso
Expectations vs Actual Results
Under most conditions this code works, but in a number of environments it doesn't. When it works it simply prints this on the display:
I print out B
using a typical CALL with relative offset it seems to work fine. In some environments when I run the code I just get:
And then it appears to just stop doing anything. It seems to print out the B
properly but then something unexpected happens.
Environments that seem to work:
- QEMU booted with floppy and ISO
- VirtualBox booted with floppy and ISO
- VMWare 9 booted with floppy and ISO
- DosBox booted with floppy
- Officially packaged Bochs(2.6) on Debian Jessie using floppy image
- Bochs 2.6.6(built from source control) on Debian Jessie using floppy image and ISO image
- AST Premmia SMP P90 system from mid 90s using floppy and ISO
Environments that don't work as expected:
- Officially packaged Bochs(2.6) on Debian Jessie using ISO image
- 486DX based system with AMI BIOS from the early 90s using floppy image. CDs won't boot on this system so the CD couldn't be tested.
What I find interesting is that Bochs (version 2.6) doesn't work as expected on Debian Jessie using an ISO. When I boot from the floppy with the same version it works as expected.
In all cases the ISO and the floppy image seemed to load and start running since in ALL cases it was at least able to print out B
on the display.
My Questions
- When it fails, why does it only print out a
and nothing more? - Why do some environments work and others fail?
- Is this a bug in my code or the hardware/BIOS?
- How can I fix it so that I can still use near indirect Jump and Call tables to absolute memory offsets? I am aware I can avoid these instructions altogether and that seems to solve my problem, but I'd like to be able to understand how and if I can use them properly in a bootloader.