Hey, i'm just interesting what the best FPS camera style in godot?
Currently i'm using the way where camera in the "camera_mount":
But it looks weird because i can see my character's head (or body) from inside..
My full Scene tree here:
So my question is about how to make the body (or head) invisible to my camera?
Also what the best way to place arm with gun separately? (asking because what if i need to change my character skin, then i need to change my arm skin too..)
My current scene:
And the view i see when i look a bit down (you can see the character body parts):
upd. Ok just got how to hide character with camera's cull mask.
But how about making arm and gun separately, but that way so i can apply a new skin to them the same way as to the character?
If for example i want to see my weapon on my camera (actually separate object) and i want so other players see my weapon in my arms (the weapon that connected using bone of my character arm), is there will be 2 same weapons?
So i'm just finding the best way to do super basic FPS view.
Please tell me about your experience if you have some.