Say I have the following files:
a_b.txt a_b_c.txt a_b_c_d_e.txt a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h_i.txt
I want to rename them in such a way that I split their filenames by _
and I retain the first and last field, so I end up with:
a_b.txt a_c.txt a_e.txt a_i.txt
Thought it would be easy, but I'm a bit stuck...
I tried rename
with the following regexp:
rename 's/^([^_]*).*([^_]*[.]txt)/$1_$2/' *.txt
But what I would really need to do is to actually split the filename, so I thought of awk
, but I'm not so proficient with it... This is what I have so far (I know at some point I should specify FS="_"
and grab the first and last field somehow...
find . -name "*.txt" | awk -v mvcmd='mv "%s" "%s"\n' '{old=$0; <<split by _ here somehow and retain first and last fields>>; printf mvcmd,old,$0}'
Any help? I don't have a preferred method, but it would be nice to use this to learn awk
. Thanks!