Is it possible to adjust the size/font of the TogglerBar, so that they are all equally large in case of different name size.
The example below is the solution proposed by Belisarius for : "Can TogglerBar be used as multiple CheckBox in Mathematica ?"
I would like each Button to be equally sized.
{White, Circle[{5, 5}, r]},(*For Mma 7 compatibility*)
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "I am a Circle"],
{Red, Circle[{5, 5}, r]}],
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "and I am a very nice Square"], {Blue,
Rectangle[{5, 5}, {r, r}]}],
If[MemberQ[whatToDisplay, "Other"], {Black,
Line[Tuples[{3, 4}, 2]]}]
PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}
{{r, 1, Style["Radius", Black, Bold, 12]}, 1, 5, 1,
ControlType -> Slider,
ControlPlacement -> Top},
Control@{{whatToDisplay, True,
Style["What", Black, Bold, 12]}, {"I am a Circle",
"and I am a very nice Square", "Other"},
ControlType -> TogglerBar,
Appearance -> "Horizontal",
ControlPlacement -> Top}]
EDIT : It is trully ugly in the code (if we can still call that a code) but looks good on display.