Would it be possible to have a TogglerBar instead of the 2 Check Box to show or not the different Shapes.
With Green & Red written in each Button of the TogglerBar ?
Graphics[{If[thePink, {Pink, Disk[{5, 5}, 3]}],
If[theGreen, {Green, Disk[{15, 2}, 1]}]},
PlotRange -> {{0, 20}, {0, 10}}], {{thePink, True,
Style["Pink", Black, Bold, 12]}, {True, False}}, {{theGreen, True,
Style["Green", Black, Bold, 12]}, {True, False}}]
The actual Manipulate object I am trying to adjust can be found there : http://www.laeh500.com/LAEH/COG.html The purpose being to replace the CheckBox by a nice TogglerBar.