If I understood correctly you want to base your game logic on a time delta.
Try getting a time delta between every frame and then have your objects move with respect to that time delta.
import time
while True:
# dt is the time delta in seconds (float).
currentTime = time.time()
dt = currentTime - lastFrameTime
lastFrameTime = currentTime
def game_logic(dt):
# Where speed might be a vector. E.g speed.x = 1 means
# you will move by 1 unit per second on x's direction.
plane.position += speed * dt;
If you also want to limit your frames per second, an easy way would be sleeping the appropriate amount of time after every update.
FPS = 60
while True:
sleepTime = 1./FPS - (currentTime - lastFrameTime)
if sleepTime > 0:
Be aware thought that this will only work if your hardware is more than fast enough for your game. For more information about game loops check this.
PS) Sorry for the Javaish variable names... Just took a break from some Java coding.
? I think you need to tell us what you plan on doing before we can give you any recommendations. – Vitrinewhile True:
:) – Vitrine