I'm trying to compile godot with this module: admob
But I have this error when I compile:
scons platform=android target=release android_arch=arm64v8
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Building for Android (arm64v8)
WARNING: android_arch=arm64v8 is not supported by ndk_platform lower than android-21; setting ndk_platform=android-21
Using NDK unified headers
Warning: module 'admob' uses a deprecated `can_build` signature in its config.py file, it should be `can_build(env, platform)`.
AttributeError: 'SConsEnvironment' object has no attribute 'android_add_dependency':
File "D:\Backup\Download\godot-master\godot-master\SConstruct", line 403:
File "./modules/admob\config.py", line 6:
env.android_add_dependency("compile ('com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:16.0.0') { exclude group: 'com.android.support' }")
what is?