I'm writing an interview question. I'm mocking a backend server by creating an "Http Client" package. Some of my types I want exposed in .d.ts
files so that the interviewee has context, but most I do not, as they would expose the inner workings of the mock, and give the interviewee some types that I'd like them to generate.
import myPackageExport from `./my-package-export`;
export * from `./public-types`;
export { MyPackageExport } from `./my-package-export`;
export default myPackageExport;
I would like to simply set something in my tsconfig.json
and/or in my webpack.config.js
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"noEmit": true, // I've also tried `false`
"declartion": true,
"emitDeclarationOnly": true,
"rootDir": "./src",
"outDir": "./lib",
"include": [ "./src/index.ts" ],
// ...
// ...
module.exports = {
entry: path.join(__dirName, 'src/index.ts'),
output: {
fileName: 'index.js',
path: path.join(__dirName, 'lib'),
// ...
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.ts$/,
use: [ 'ts-loader' ],
resolve: {
extensions: [ '.js', '.ts' ],
plugins: [
// some fancy declaration plugin here
This, of course, is oh-so-considerate and generates declarations for the entire dependency graph of index.ts
, which is the whole project. Usually this is what we'd want, just not in my case.
A simpler solution would be something like // @ts-exclude-declaration
that I could prepend to each file whose types I want excluded, but as far as I know, no such thing exists.
My current workaround is to add/modify three files:
export * from './my-public-types1';
// ...
export interface MyPackageExport {
// ...
declare const myPackageExport: MyPackageExport;
export default myPackageExport;
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"declaration": true,
"emitDeclarationOnly": true,
"srcRoot": "./src/public-types",
"outDir": "./lib",
"include": [ "./src/public-types/index.ts" ],
(modified, obviously)
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --mode production && tsc -p tsconfig.types.json",
// ...
// ...
This works, but is far from elegant.