I am currently coding an application in VueJS (and with Vuex in particular). However, my question is not strongly linked to this library, but rather to the architecture to have with a store like flux/redux/Vuex.
To put it simply, I have several APIs (one API/database per team), and for each team/API, I have several users.These teams and users are represented by simple objects, and each has its own slug. Important note: the slugs of the teams are of course unique, but the slugs users are unique for their own team. The uniqueness constraint for a user would then be "teamSlug/userSlug". And given the large number of users, I can not simply load all the users of all the teams.
My question is how to properly architect my application/store in order to recover the data of a given user slug (with his team): if I have not already loaded this user, make an API request to retrieve it. Currently I have created a getter that returns the user object, which takes the slug from the user and the team. If it returns "null" or with a ".loading" to "false", I have to run the "loadOne" action that will take care of retrieving it:
import * as types from '../../mutation-types'
import users from '../../../api/users'
// initial state
const state = {
users: {}
// getters
const getters = {
getOne: state => (team, slug) => (state.users[team] || {})[slug] || null
// actions
const actions = {
loadOne ({ commit, state }, { team, slug }) {
commit(types.TEAM_USER_REQUEST, { team, slug })
users.getOne(team, slug)
.then(data => commit(types.TEAM_USER_SUCCESS, { team, slug, data }))
.catch(error => commit(types.TEAM_USER_FAILURE, { team, slug, error }))
// mutations
const mutations = {
[types.TEAM_USER_REQUEST] (state, { team, slug }) {
state.users = {
[team]: {
...(state.users[team] || {}),
[slug]: {
loading: true,
error: null,
[types.TEAM_USER_SUCCESS] (state, { team, slug, data }) {
state.users = {
[team]: {
...(state.users[team] || {}),
[slug]: {
loading: false
[types.TEAM_USER_FAILURE] (state, { team, slug, error }) {
state.users = {
[team]: {
...(state.users[team] || {}),
[slug]: {
loading: false,
export default {
namespaced: true,
You imagine that a team does not only have users, I have many other models of that type, and I should link them together. This method works, but I find it rather cumbersome to put in place (especially that it is a simple get, I will have plenty of other actions of this kind). Would you have any advice on my architecture?
Thank you!