I'm getting this message in the Code Analysis after setting my Min SDK to 26.
This folder configuration ('v26') is unnecessary; 'minSdkVersion' is 26. Merge all the resources in this folder into 'mipmap-anydpi'.
However, I don't know exactly what to do with this?
I have tried to reformat the existing folder into 'mipmap-anydpi' and then it gives me 20 error messages saying the icon is defined as both Bitmap and XML in every mipmap folder (hdpi, xhdpi etc.
There's also a button I can click to let Android studio handle it. The button says "Merge resources from -anydpi-v26 into mipmap-anydpi". However, when I click it, it just creates an empty XML file at the bottom. And that file complains that it doesn't have a root tag (no wonder, because it's empty). I also can't transfer the XML tags from the 26 folder into this folder because then I get another error message saying I have multiple roots, or that it can't find the XML schema.
How am I supposed to address this?