Given a certain color in HSL (let's say hsl(74,64%,59%)), I want to calculate what darker shade (with the same h and s values) gives me enough contrast to satisfy W3C color contrast requirements.
There are formulas to convert HSL to RGB (for example and to calculate the relative luminance from that RGB (for example Based on the color contrast formula ( I can calculate what the relative luminance for my other color should be.
However, then I'm stuck. I find no way to calculate back from a given relative luminance, to an HSL color with given h and s.
Using tools like I can just decrease the lightness until it satisfies the requirements, but I would like a formula (preferably in JavaScript) to do this calculation for a large selection of colors.
(I am currently using a binary search method to find the closest value, by testing many conversions from HSL to RGB to relative lightness, but that is quite intensive plus I wonder if the conversion to RGB in between introduces inaccuracies.)