I was watching Adrien Grand's talk on Lucene's index architecture and a point he makes is that Lucene uses sorted arrays to represent the dictionary part of its inverted indices. What's the reasoning behind using sorted arrays instead of hash tables (the "classic" inverted index data structure)?
Hash tables provide O(1) insertion and access, which to me seems like it would help a lot with quickly processing queries and merging index segments. On the other hand, sorted arrays can only offer up O(logN) access and (gasp) O(N) insertion, although merging 2 sorted arrays is the same complexity as merging 2 hash tables.
The only downsides to hash tables that I can think of are a larger memory footprint (this could indeed be a problem) and less cache friendliness (although operations like querying a sorted array require binary search which is just as cache unfriendly).
So what's up? The Lucene devs must have had a very good reason for using arrays. Is it something to do with scalability? Disk read speeds? Something else entirely?