I would like to have some observable collections/sequences in Python that allow me to listen on change events, like for adding new items or updating items:
list = ObservableList(['a','b','c'])
list.addChangeListener(lambda new_value: print(new_value))
list.append('a') # => should trigger the attached change listener
data_frame = ObservableDataFrame({'x': [1,2,3], 'y':[10,20,30]})
data_frame.addChangeListener(update_dependent_table_cells) # => allows to only update dependent cells instead of a whole table
A. I found following project that provides implementations of observable collections and looks quite promising:
It does what I want:
from observablelist import ObservableList
def listHandler(event):
if event.action == 'itemsUpdated':
print event.action + ', old items: ' + str(event.oldItems) + ' new items: ' + str(event.newItems) + ' at index: ' + str(event.index)
elif event.action == 'itemsAdded' or event.action == 'itemsRemoved':
print(event.action + ', items: ' + str(event.items) + ' at index: ' + str(event.index))
myList = ObservableList()
#Do some mutation actions, just like normal lists.
myList.insert(3, 0)
However, the last change is 6 years ago and I am wondering if there are some more up to date or build in Python alternatives?
B. I also found RxPy: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxPY
import rx
list = ["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"]
source = rx.from_(list)
lambda value: print(value),
on_error = lambda e: print("Error : {0}".format(e)),
on_completed = lambda: print("Job Done!")
Is it somehow possible, to keep the subscription open, so that I am able to append new values to the list after the subscription? Dummy code:
source.subscribe(..., keep_open = True)
source.append("Delta") # <= does not work; there is no append method
With other words: can/should I use RxPy sources as observable collections?
C. There seem to exist many different possibilities in Python to handle events and implement observer patterns:
Python Observer Pattern: Examples, Tips?
alternate ways to implement observer pattern in python
Using decorators to implement Observer Pattern in Python3
=> What is the recommented/pythonic way to implement observable collections in Python? Should I use (outdated?) A. or an adapted form of B. (which seems to serve a different purpose?) or even another strategy from C.?
=> Are there plans to somehow standardize that possibilities and include default observable collections directly in Python?
Related question, specific to DataFrames:
How to make tables/spreadsheets (e.g. pandas DataFrame) observable, use triggers or change events?