Undirected graph G with n vertices and an integer k such that k divides n.
The set of all vertices will be denoted by V.
A set S of sets of vertices such that:
- S has k elements
- Each element of S is a complete subgraph in G (all vertices in each element share an edge with each other in G)
- All elements of S are mutually exclusive (the elements have no vertices in common with each other)
- The union of all the elements of S is equal to V
- All elements of S have cardinality n / k
I run a small play reading group and we like to read larger plays sometimes. I want to cast a large play for a small group in such a way that a single person won't be playing a set of characters that share scenes with each other. I realized that this problem could be formulated in graph theory, and I'm curious as to what a good solution looks like.