input(type="text" v-model="platform" placeholder="Add platform name...")
input(type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" @click="clicked = true")
button(type="button" value="Cancel" class="btn" @click="cancelNew") Cancel
h3(v-if="clicked") Thank you for adding a new platform
span {{ countdown }}
This is my template and when the user submits the form, I want to count down from 3 using setTimeout function and submit after 3 seconds.
If I have it this way, it works;
data() {
return {
countdown: 3,
platform: ""
methods: {
countDownTimer() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.countdown -= 1
}, 1000)
onSubmit() {
let newplatform = {
name: this.platform
this.platform = ' '
However I have 3 more forms and I didn't want to repeat the code. So I wanted to put countdown in the store,
countDownTimer({commit}) {
setTimeout(() => {
countdown = state.countdown
countdown -= 1
commit('COUNTDOWN', countdown)
}, 1000)
and mutate it like
COUNTDOWN(state, countdown) {
state.countdown = countdown
This doesn't work and I am not sure If I am able to change the state, commit the changes inside of settimeout function? Is there a better way I can implement this?