Yes you can generate multiple apk files with gradlew.
Open Terminal Window in Android Studio and run following commands:
1- Navigate to root folder of the project, where gradlew file is located
cd ..
2- Give executable permissions to gradlew (this needs to be done only once, no need to repeat again)
chmod a+x gradlew
3- Generate debuggable apks of all underlying modules.
./gradlew assembleDebug
You can also generate release apk files for all modules, by using this command instead
./gradlew assembleRelease
for more details, run the following command to see list of all tasks that can be run on gradlew
./gradlew tasks
Note: Running ./gradlew first time might result in terminal downloading the gradle files from server, wait for the downloading to complete before moving forward!
Hope that helps!
For providing signing information in grade file, Open your module specific build.grade file and update it to contain this code:
signingConfigs {
playstore {
storeFile file('/PATH_TO_KEYSTORE_FILE_HERE/app.keystore')
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles 'proguard-file.txt'
proguardFile 'proguard-file.txt'
debuggable false
signingConfig signingConfigs.playstore
After that you can simply run ./gradlew assembleRelease
to do the work :)