I would like to create an RDD to collect the results of an iterative calculation .
How can I use a loop (or any alternative) to replace the following code:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.random.RandomRDDs._
val n = 10
val step1 = normalRDD(sc, n, seed = 1 )
val step2 = normalRDD(sc, n, seed = (step1.max).toLong )
val result1 = step1.zip(step2)
val step3 = normalRDD(sc, n, seed = (step2.max).toLong )
val result2 = result1.zip(step3)
val step50 = normalRDD(sc, n, seed = (step49.max).toLong )
val result49 = result48.zip(step50)
(creating the N step RDDs and zipping then together at the end would also be ok as long the 50 RDDs are created iteratively to respect the seed = (step(n-1).max) condition)
from scalaz to generate a stream of steps, and then zip it with itself and/or scanRight.. – Ferial