I'm trying to use the Android Adb Command Prompt
to copy a folder inside the app container to a local Windows folder. The device is running Android 5.1.1 and is not rooted.
adb pull
or cp
aren't working. How can I copy a folder?
The following approaches aren't working:
Approach 1
adb shell
adb pull /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs C:/temp/test
error: device not found
Inside the shell you can't see to do adb pull
. See here.
Approach 2
DDMS can't access the data
Approach 3
adb shell
run-as DroidSample.DroidSample
cp /files/MetroLog/MetroLogs/ C:/temp/test
cp: /files/MetroLog/MetroLogs/: No such file or directory
Approach 4
adb shell
run-as DroidSample.DroidSample
cp /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs/ C:/temp/test
cp: /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs is a directory (not copied).
This is also not working.
Approach 5
adb shell
run-as DroidSample.DroidSample
chmod 777 /files/MetroLog/MetroLogs
adb pull /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs C:/temp/test
adb shell run-as DroidSample.DroidSample
chmod 700 /files/MetroLog/Metrologs
remote object '/data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs' does not exist
So also this isn't working.
Approach 6
adb shell
mkdir /sdcard/tmp
cp /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs /sdcard/tmp
cp: /data/data/DroidSample.DroidSample/files/MetroLog/MetroLogs: Permission denied
This is also not working.
Approach 7
The only thing which half work is this
adb exec-out run-as DroidSample.DroidSample cat "files/MetroLog/MetroLogs/Log - 20160509.log" > C:/temp/test/test.log
But here I don't get the original file and I also have to know the exact file name. Additionally, that I loose line breaks and I have to do this for each file. Not that what I want.
So I'm running out of ideas. How can I access the internal stored files and copy them over?