You can use labels to identify things in a simulator as JHBonarius says, but there are other uses for labels, too:
i) Identifying the end of a long block of code, eg
my_if : if A = B then
-- lots of lines of code
end if my_if;
ii) keeping track of complicated code, eg
my_if_1 : if A = B then
my_if_2 : if A = B then
my_if_3 : if A = B then
my_if_4 : if A = B then
my_if_5 : if A = B then
my_if_6 : if A = B then
-- blah blah blah
end if my_if_6;
end if my_if_5;
end if my_if_4;
end if my_if_3;
end if my_if_2;
end if my_if_1;
iii) It is usually a good idea to label assertions so that they can be easily identified in an EDA tool, eg :
enable_check : assert enable = '1';
iv) If you label something, then you can decorate it with an attribute (ie attach some metadata for some other EDA tool), eg something like this might stop a synthesiser optimising something away:
attribute KEEP : boolean;
attribute KEEP of g0:label is TRUE;
g0 : CLK_EN port map ( ...
(The exact names will depend on the synthesiser.)