I am developing a CLI using node, typescript and other packages. The idea is simple, the CLI gives you an initial structure for your node projects (javascript or typescript)
Well, while testing, I discovered a problem that I have not been able to solve for days. The initial structure is:
│ ├───api
│ │ └───users
│ │ ├───users.controller.ts/js
│ │ ├───users.interface.ts (just for typescript projects)
│ │ ├───users.routes.ts/js
│ │ └───users.service.ts/js
│ ├───config
│ │ └────environments
│ │ ├───development.ts/js
│ │ ├───index.ts/js
│ │ └───production.ts/js
│ ├───global
│ │ └───services
│ │ └───abstract.service.ts (just for typescript projects)
│ ├───middlewares
│ ├───database.ts/js
│ ├───index.ts/js
│ └───server.ts/js
└───tsconfig.json (just for typescript projects)
The typescript services files extends of an abstract service (this one is in ./src/global/services/abstract.service.ts
). Each component will be in ./src/api
directory and have its respective folder (like users component). The relative path to import the abstract class in the users component is ../../global/services/abstract.service
But you can create the component in a different directories, so the previous relative path does not work. To fix this problem I decided to using a routes configuration like webpack. So instead of use the previous relative path, I want to use something like this @global/services/abstract.service
I achieved this if the node project using javascript with babel:
- @babel/polyfill
- @babel/cli
- @babel/core
- @babel/node
- @babel/preset-node
- babel-plugin-module-resolver
But I don not achieved that when is a typescript project. The tsconfig.json
has the "paths" options, this works in development, but when I compile typescript to javascript this doesn not work. I tried many ways to resolve that but everything failed. These are the packages that I've used until this now:
- link-module-alias ()
- ts-node with tsconfig-path
- ttypescript
- @zerollup/ts-transform-paths
The second one works correctly but I must restart for each changes that I make in ts files, maybe I did not configure the scripts correctly in package.json
, because the tsc-watch did not work). The links I saw:
- Require absolute instead of relative
- ttypescript
- ts-transform-paths
- link-module-alias
- Relative path hell
- tsconfig paths
Please, if anyone knows how to solve the relative path hell, I will appreciate it if you tell me how, with examples or something to help me