Hello there o/
I want to make the premise that I am a very first time Godot (or any other game engine) user ^^" and last time I coded anything was 20 years ago so I have a lot to catch up with, so I thank you in advance for the patience.
I am trying to replicate a turn based system and so far I managed to get everything working where I want it to be.. except I can't seem to be able to make a target selection routine that works
So far what seemed the applicable answer was to "await" for a user defined signal that contains the target object itself (or the object_id) so the function that is supposed to apply damage/effects knows who needs to get stuff done.
The main function that execute the ability and that should be waiting on the signal is on the main loop, and the signal would be emitted from an _input_event function (for left mouse button click) on the Area2D node of the individual enemy scene that are instantiated at run time, in a random number between 1 and 4.
this however does not seem to be possible (or I can't figure out how to do it) because await seems to want specified very clearly where the signal is coming and what it is; I can't find a way to have it listen for a free floating signal of some kind, it may just not be possible.
I thought of moving the _input_event straight into the main but that seems to have its own share of headaches (I still not have a very good hang of the whole handling input thing 🥹 )
Sadly google has not been very useful on this subject.
Thanks to anyone that can give me at least some useful nudges in the right direction.