I have a task which writes avro output in multiple directories organized by few fields of the input records.
For example : Process records of countries across years and write in a directory structure of country/year eg: outputs/usa/2015/outputs_usa_2015.avro outputs/uk/2014/outputs_uk_2014.avro
AvroMultipleOutputs multipleOutputs=new AvroMultipleOutputs(context);
multipleOutputs.write("output", avroKey, NullWritable.get(),
OUTPUT_DIR + "/" + record.getCountry() + "/" + record.getYear() + "/outputs_" +record.getCountry()+"_"+ record.getYear());
What output commiter would the below code use to write the output.Is it not safe to be used with speculative execution? With speculative execution this causes(may cause) org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.LeaseExpiredException
In this post Hadoop Reducer: How can I output to multiple directories using speculative execution? It is suggested to use a custom output committer
The below code from hadoop AvroMultipleOutputs does not state any problem with speculative execution
private synchronized RecordWriter getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext taskContext,
String baseFileName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
writer =
((OutputFormat) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(taskContext.getOutputFormatClass(),
Neither does the write method document any issues if baseoutput path is outside the job directory
public void write(String namedOutput, Object key, Object value, String baseOutputPath)
Is there a real issue with AvroMultipleOutputs (an other outputs) with speculative execution when writing outside the job directory? If,then how do i override AvroMultipleOutputs to have it's own output committer.I can't see any outputformat inside AvroMultipleOutputs whose output committer it uses