I'm trying to implement handsontable
. As per my requirement, I want to re-render handsontable
from changing a dropdown value, but on dropdown selection, the handsontable
does not update properly. Below is my code:
<div id="hot-preview">
<HotTable :settings="settings" :ref="referenceId"></HotTable>
import { HotTable } from '@handsontable-pro/vue';
export default {
components: {
props: ['settings', 'referenceId'],
#hot-preview {
max-width: 1050px;
height: 400px;
overflow: hidden;
Parent component:
<div id="provisioning-app">
<v-container grid-list-xl fluid>
<handsontable :settings.sync="settings" :referenceId="referenceId"></handsontable>
import Handsontable from '@/components/Handsontable';
import PrevisioningService from '@/services/api/PrevisioningService';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
selectList: [],
selectApp: [],
selectedOption: '',
referenceId: 'provision-table',
PrevisioningService.getProvisioningList(this.$session.get('userId'), this.$session.get('customerId')).then(response => {
this.provisioningList = response;
beforeUpdate() {
this.provisioningApp = this.getProvisioningAppList;
computed: {
settings () {
return {
data: this.getSelectApp,
colHeaders: ["Data Uploaded on", "Duration in Minutes", "Start Time", "Shift","Description","Next Day Spill Over", "Site Name"],
columns: [
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'},
{type: 'text'}
rowHeaders: true,
dropdownMenu: true,
filters: true,
rowHeaders: true,
search: true,
columnSorting: true,
manualRowMove: true,
manualColumnMove: true,
contextMenu: true,
afterChange: function (change, source) {
alert("after change");
beforeUpdate: function (change, source) {
alert("before update");
getSelectApp () {
if(this.selectedOption !== undefined && this.selectedOption !== null && this.selectedOption !== ''){
PrevisioningService.getProvisioningAppList(this.selectedOption, this.$session.get('userId'), this.$session.get('customerId')).then(response => {
this.provisioningApp = response;
return this.provisioningApp;
method: {
getSelected () {
return this.selectedOption;
With the above code, my data is received successfully from the server, but I'm unable to update the data in handsontable
, as shown in the following screenshots:
How do I properly render the table after the dropdown selection?