I've written a single-cycled CPU in Chisel3 which implements most of the RV32I instructions (except CSR, Fence, ECALL/BREAK, LB/SB, which may be included later). The instructions are currently hard coded in the instruction memory, but I will change this so it reads instructions from a file instead. I've run into trouble with how to actually simulate my design. Here is the code where I've "glued" all components together.
class Core extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dc = Input(Bool())
io := DontCare
val pc = RegInit(0.U)
val pcSelect = Module(new PcSelect())
val pcPlusFour = Module(new Adder())
val alu = Module(new ALU())
val aluControl = Module(new AluControl())
val control = Module(new Control())
val immGen = Module(new ImmGen())
val branchLogic = Module(new BranchLogic())
val branchUnit = Module(new Adder())
val jumpReg = Module(new JumpReg())
val regFile = Module(new RegFile())
val jumpAdder = Module(new Adder())
val dataMem = Module(new DataMemory())
val instrMem = Module(new InstructionMemory())
// Mux from data memory
val dataMux = Mux(control.io.memToReg, dataMem.io.readDataOutput, alu.io.result)
// Mux to register file
val regFileMux = Mux(control.io.writeSrc, pcPlusFour.io.result, dataMux)
// PC + 4
pcPlusFour.io.in1 := pc
pcPlusFour.io.in2 := 4.U
// Instruction memory
instrMem.io.address := pc
val instruction = instrMem.io.instruction
val opcode = instruction(6, 0)
// Control
control.io.opcode := opcode
// Register file
regFile.io.readReg1 := instruction(19, 15) // rs1
regFile.io.readReg2 := instruction(24, 20) // rs2
regFile.io.writeReg := instruction(11, 7) // rd
regFile.io.regWrite := control.io.regWrite
regFile.io.writeData := regFileMux
// ALU
val aluMux1 = Mux(control.io.aluSrc1, immGen.io.extendedU, regFile.io.readData1)
alu.io.in1 := aluMux1
val src = control.io.aluSrc2
val aluMux2 = Mux(src === 1.U, immGen.io.extendedI, Mux(src === 2.U, immGen.io.extendedS, Mux(src === 3.U, pc, regFile.io.readData2)))
alu.io.in2 := aluMux2
alu.io.aluOp := aluControl.io.output
// ALU control
aluControl.io.aluOp := control.io.aluOp
aluControl.io.funct7 := instruction(31, 25)
aluControl.io.funct3 := instruction(14, 12)
// Data Memory
dataMem.io.readAddress := alu.io.result
dataMem.io.writeData := regFile.io.readData2
dataMem.io.memWrite := control.io.memWrite
dataMem.io.memRead := control.io.memRead
// Immediate generator
immGen.io.instr := instruction
// Branch logic
branchLogic.io.reg1 := regFile.io.readData1
branchLogic.io.reg2 := regFile.io.readData2
branchLogic.io.branch := control.io.branch
branchLogic.io.funct3 := instruction(14, 12)
// Jump reg
jumpReg.io.reg1 := regFile.io.readData1
jumpReg.io.imm := immGen.io.extendedI
// Jump
jumpAdder.io.in1 := pc
jumpAdder.io.in2 := immGen.io.extendedJ
// Branch
branchUnit.io.in1 := pc
branchUnit.io.in2 := immGen.io.extendedB
// PC-select
pcSelect.io.pcPlus4 := pcPlusFour.io.result
pcSelect.io.branch := branchUnit.io.result
pcSelect.io.jump := jumpAdder.io.result
pcSelect.io.jalr := jumpReg.io.output
pcSelect.io.branchSignal := branchLogic.io.result
pcSelect.io.jumpSignal := control.io.jump
pcSelect.io.jalrSignal := control.io.jumpReg
pc := pcSelect.io.output
So my questions are:
- How can I simulate this design to see that it executes all instructions properly?
- I would like to run the benchmark "dhrystone" on it to measure performance. How can I do that (is it possible?)? I'm not sure how to handle syscalls if that is needed.
Thanks in advance!