After trying to build a PDF that worked ~2 weeks ago, no fuss, on a new machine with a fresh install of R, R studio, bookdown
, etc, I have this error:
Error: Input files not all in same directory, please supply explicit wd
I have chapters of .Rmd
files sorted into directories, and so if I change rmd_subdir
from true
to false
, the error goes away, but... I just can't work with 100+ chapters containing 4-7 each scenes in the root of the project; I'll go insane.
I have new_session: no
in my _bookdown.yml
, but that's not helping matters.
I don't know enough about R to even begin to diagnose this - Google returns 4 (!) results and all of them are source code. As such, I'm not sure which files to include here, so please let me know, and I'll paste them in.
How I Build
I press the button that says Build Book
in RStudio, and it ticks along and exits with status 1
and the above error after a moment.
The exact error message
==> rmarkdown::render_site(output_format = 'bookdown::gitbook', encoding = 'UTF-8')
processing file: book-book.Rmd
|......................................................................| 100%
ordinary text without R code
output file:
Error: Input files not all in same directory, please supply explicit wd
Execution halted
Exited with status 1.
title: "F"
author: "TTil"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
fontsize: 10pt
geometry: paperwidth=6in,paperheight=9in,margin=0.5in,heightrounded,twoside,includehead,includefoot,heightrounded
split_by: section
position: static
keep_tex: yes
latex_engine: lualatex
in_header: preamble.tex
before_body: before_body.tex
documentclass: book
link-citations: yes
linestretch: 1.15
links-as-notes: true
mainfont: "Inter"
book_filename: 'book-book'
chapter_name: ''
delete_merged_file: true
new_session: no
rmd_subdir: true
# Before We Begin {-}
test test replace me
My file structure looks like this:
- part-1/
- ch01/
- sc01.Rmd
- sc02.Rmd
- ch02/
- part-2/
and thus I expect sc01.Rmd
and sc02.Rmd
to become Chapter One, and then it and its siblings to be Part One, and so on and so forth for Part Two, Part Three, ...
As I've said above, this PDF was working as-is 2 weeksish ago (albeit on a different machine).