I need to play a video at the beginning of my game for a logo, the video is high resolution and looks really good, but when I import it into unity and try to play it the quality is absolutely horrible, I have tried all kinds of different formats and settings but nothing seems to change. The video is always very low quality or very choppy or both.
Is there a way to play high quality video in unity? be it something I missed that works, or a plugin i can get that allows it? any answer is very much appreciated even if it is something very complex and difficult.
See if increasing the “Quality” setting in the videos import settings makes a difference. Also : What is the video's file type? Does it become high quality when you make a build (what platform are you targeting?)
– StanleystanlyI have tried changing the quality setting and even on the highest setting the video is still pretty bad quality, I have tried it in multiple file formats like .mov, .avi. .mpeg4 etc. I have even tried converting it to .ogv to try and get around unity converting it itself, and still the quality is poor. The platform is PC, and in the build the quality is the same as in the editor.
– EastmanDid you ever find a way to get better quality? I'm having the same issue, very disappointing to have an HD video turned into a pixelated choppy mess in Unity. How come when I play other games the logo reveal looks crisp and clear but I can't achieve that?
– Egestion