I am trying to replicate this for Python, but cannot find any answer:
Is it possible to use R Plotly library in R Script Visual of Power BI?
or :
Just to be a little more specific: How can I change the offered solution to work with script.py rather than script.R
Any help is highly appreciated.
I have found that in this folder there is a file called capabilities.json, so I assume this is one part of the solution:
"script": {
"scriptProviderDefault": "R", ###I guess this needs to be changed to Py
"scriptOutputType": "html",
"source": {
"objectName": "rcv_script",# not sure about this
"propertyName": "source"
"provider": {
"objectName": "rcv_script",# not sure about this
"propertyName": "provider"
And also after removing referencing dependecies.json in this project, and after building and importing this to Power BI, I got this error
Error Message:
An exception of type System.ArgumentException occured.
Stack Trace:
System.ArgumentException: The supplied rendering engine is not supported
at Microsoft.PowerBI.ExploreHost.SemanticQuery.ExecuteSemanticQueryFlow.TransformDat aShapeResult(QueryCommand transformCommand, SemanticQueryDataShapeCommand command, Stream dataShapeResultStream, QueryBindingDescriptor& bindingDescriptor)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.ExploreHost.SemanticQuery.ExecuteSemanticQueryFlow.ExecuteDataQuery(IQueryResultDataWriter queryResultDataWriter, EngineDataModel engineDataModel, DataQuery query, Int32 queryId, ServiceErrorStatusCode& serviceErrorStatusCode, CancellationToken cancelToken)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.ExploreHost.SemanticQuery.ExecuteSemanticQueryFlow.ProcessAndWriteSemanticQueryCommands(IQueryResultsWriter queryResultsWriter, IList`1 queries, HashSet`1 pendingQueriesToCancel, EngineDataModel engineDataModel)