Currently going through microsofts examples, it is noticable, that only one cbv_srv_uav heap is used per commandlist (+ maybe on additional sampler heap).
Is it possible to use multiple heaps per CommandList?
So i setup heap and ranges
this->mRSVHeap = new urd::DescriptorHeap(
1, // shader visible
2); // space for 2 descriptors (2 textures)
this->mConstHeap = new urd::DescriptorHeap(
1, // shader visible
1); // space for 1 descriptor
urd::DescriptorRange ranges[3];
ranges[0].Init(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE_SRV, 2, 0); // first and second descriptor in rsv heap (t0, t1)
ranges[1].Init(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE_CBV, 1, 0); // first descriptor in cbv heap (b0)
ranges[2].Init(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE_SRV, 1, 2); // same texture used as first range (again first descriptor in rsv, accessable by t2)
after that i define the descriptor tables
rootParam[0].InitDescTable(1, &ranges[0], D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL);
rootParam[1].InitDescTable(1, &ranges[1], D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_ALL);
rootParam[2].InitDescTable(1, &ranges[2], D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY_PIXEL);
So i create shaderResourceViews for texture 1 and 2 at cpu offset 0 and 1 in rsv heap and a constantbufferview for the constant buffer at cpu offset 0 in the cbv heap
like this:
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle = this->ConstHeap->GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart();
CreateConstantBufferView(&desc, handle)
now its time to tell the commandlist to reference those heaps
ID3D12DescriptorHeap* ppHeaps[] = { this->mRSVHeap.Get(), this->mConstHeap.Get() };
this->mCommandList->GetRef()->SetDescriptorHeaps(_countof(ppHeaps), ppHeaps);
after this, closing the commandlist always throws.
Here is how i tell the commandlist which heap for which table:
this->mCommandList->GetRef()->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(0, this->mRSVHeap->GetGPUHeapAddressAtOffset(0));
this->mCommandList->GetRef()->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(1, this->mConstHeap->GetGPUHeapAddressAtOffset(0));
this->mCommandList->GetRef()->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(2, this->mRSVHeap->GetGPUHeapAddressAtOffset(0));
It works fine if i describe all the objects into one single descriptor heap (like in the examples) and just use different offsets of that heap.
Debug Output:
D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandList::SetDescriptorHeaps: pDescriptorHeaps[1] sets a descriptor heap type that appears earlier in the pDescriptorHeaps array. Only one of any given descriptor heap type can be set at a time. [ EXECUTION ERROR #554: SET_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_INVALID] D3D12 ERROR: CCommandList::SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable: No CBV_SRV_UAV descriptor heap is currently set on the command list so setting a root descriptor table of CBV_SRV_UAV handles is invalid. [ EXECUTION ERROR #708: SET_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_INVALID] D3D12 ERROR: CCommandList::SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable: No CBV_SRV_UAV descriptor heap is currently set on the command list so setting a root descriptor table of CBV_SRV_UAV handles is invalid. [ EXECUTION ERROR #708: SET_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_INVALID] D3D12 ERROR: CCommandList::SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable: No CBV_SRV_UAV descriptor heap is currently set on the command list so setting a root descriptor table of CBV_SRV_UAV handles is invalid. [ EXECUTION ERROR #708: SET_DESCRIPTOR_TABLE_INVALID]