I have written a simple Android App on my Xoom tablet, which simply stores some string notes in a SQLCipher database.
The user is prompted to type in a passphrase which will be used for the database by the SQLCipher lib. This works fine so far and very smooth.
Now I have also implemented a small PBKDF2 algorithm for authentication purposes (in fact, i want to encrypt some other files in the future, wich cannot be stored in a database). But as for now, i only came to check if my pbkdf2 algorithm is correct. I only used the javax.crypto and java.security libs.
Code snippet as follows:
int derivedKeyLength = 128;
int iterations = 500;
KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(passphrase.toCharArray(), salt, iterations, derivedKeyLength);
SecretKeyFactory f = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
byte[] derivedKey = f.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded();
The salt is a 16 byte random number, generated with SecureRandom.
So I hardcoded the key and the salt and compare the the derivedKey for authentication (only a test case!)
My Problem now is, that on my Xoom it lasts about 5 seconds until the deriving function is done, although the iteration is set to 500 only.
AFAIK SQLCipher is using an iteration number of 4000 by default, and it responds instant, if the key is wrong or correct. (if I set the iteration to 4000, it takes at least 15seconds)
The question is, did I implemented that inefficient or is it because SQLCipher is just that good in performance (native NDK functions, etc..)?
Thank you in advance p.s: sorry, my english isnt that great yet!
Sorry, I was not clear enough :-)
I know PBKDF2 is supposed to be slow (in specific the iteration amount, to slow down brute force attacks), thats exactly the reason I am asking! I wanted to set the iteration number to lets say 5000 (which is not acceptable, with over 15seconds)
I'm just wondering because, like I said, SQLCipher also uses PBKDF2 (Iteration = 4k, while I am using 500) for deriving a key from a given password. I'm not talking about the encryption with AES in the end, its only about the difference in deriving the key.
Of course it seems legit that SQLCipher is way faster than an self made keyderiving function, but I did not think that it would be this much difference, since SCLCipher's PBKDF2 really works instant!