One approach could be to use a rope, or several ropes, where a rope is made of a few points connected linearly. You can initialize the points in random places in space, but the first point is the initial position of A, and the last point is the final position of A.
Initially, the rope will be a very bad route. In order to optimize, move the points along an energy gradient. In your case the energy function is very simple, i.e. the total length of the rope.
This is not a new idea but is used in computer vision to detect boundaries of objects, although the energy functions are much more complicated. Yet, have look at "snakes" to give you an idea how to move each point given its two neighbors:
In your case, however, simply deriving a direction for each point from the force exerted by its neighbors will be just fine.
Your problem is a constrained problem where you consider collision. I would really go with @paddy's idea here to use a convex hull, or even just a sphere for each object. In the latter case, don't move a point into a place where its distance to B is less than the radius of A plus the radius of B plus a fudge factor considering that you don't have an infinite number of points.
A valid solution requires that the longest distance between any neighbors is smaller than a threshold, otherwise, the connecting line between two points will intersect with the obstacle.